Aflion Runner Switch Sample

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Aflion Melody Switch Sample

Aflion Melody Switch Sample

Brand: Aflion,
Switch type: Tactile,
Actuation force: 70g,

Product Code: MBAB769

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
One of the best tactile

Fun bit of history, this switch wasn't supposed to exist. The Aflion Melody prototype round was shipped with the wrong leaf, but punk liked it so created a second switch with this new "wrong" leaf, which became the Runner.

I'm glad they did keep it becuase this is a very satisfying, smooth, solid tactile with a nice rounded bump. It's a fairly long bump but it's so steep and smooth it actually feels quite potent. Idk how they managed to get it so smooth and yet sharp.

Very nice marble sound, quite deep with a pop on top. Can't hear ANY tactile scratch, very impressive.

Think my next tactile build will use these. Plus the colours are sick.

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